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Heritahe into Game in the Project "Geoportale della Cultura Alimentare"

Cortile Mercato Vecchio
Sat 16:40-17:30
Cortile Mercato Vecchio
Supported by
Geoportale della Cultura Alimentare

An open dialogue on the results of Ci- bo&Gioco, an AGA project that investigated the relationship between food and traditional games as expressions of the intangible cultural heritage of a territory and the communities that inhabit it. Within the context of the Geoportal of the Food Culture promoted by the Central Institute for the Intangible Heritage Ministry of Culture, the project has promoted these heritages as tools for sustainable development, in respect of local identities.

Presenti al forum
AGA Associazione Giochi Antichi
AEJEST Association Européenne des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels
ICPI Istituto Centrale per il Patrimonio Immateriale
SIMBDEA Italian Society for Museography and
Demoethnoanthropological Heritage


Cortile Mercato Vecchio
Cortile Mercato Vecchio
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