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S-ciànco – Tryout

Associazione Giochi Antichi APS - Verona (VR), Veneto

Castel San Pietro
Sat 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Castel San Pietro

S-ciànco, in Veronese, is just one of the many names by which the game of Lippa is known. The first evidence of this practice dates back to the Egyptians but today it is widespread in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas with numerous variations. The strong community of Veronese players, now regulars at Tocatì, totals around a hundred people. Regardless of the team you are part of, in order to bat you must wait for your opponent’s ‘Vegna!’, an invitation to
proceed with the game, on pain of elimination.


Castel San Pietro
Castel San Pietro
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