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Jogo Do Beto

Comunidade do jogo do Beto

Piazza delle Erbe
Sat 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Sun 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Cortile del Tribunale

Coming from the northern region of Lousã, this game vaguely resembles the English game of Cricket, which arrived in Portugal with the Napoleonic invasions and was taken up by the locals – although its name seems to derive from a variation of the Celtic term “Bets”. Two players
face alternately each other in attack and defense: the defenders knock the stick down to protect the base and score a point every time the ball is pushed away with the Beto, an acacia wood stick.


Piazza delle Erbe
Cortile del Tribunale
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