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Jogo da Malha

Federação Portuguesa de Jogos Tradicionais - Évora, Alentejo

Giardini di Piazza Indipendenza
Sat 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Sun 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Canceled in case of rain

Fito, Bota-Fora, Chinquilho, Malha or Xito. As often is the case, there are many names that denote a single game, usually given by the place where it is played. This game of Roman origins involves knocking down a wooden pin by throwing a metal plate. Played by men and women of various Portuguese communities in both spontaneous and festive moments, this practice is more alive than ever and can be adapted by using some small stones instead of metal plates.


Giardini di Piazza Indipendenza
Canceled in case of rain
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