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Jogo da bilharda – Test Field

Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física – FCDEF-UC - Guarda, Beira Alta

Castel San Pietro
Sat 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Castel San Pietro

Played spontaneously throughout the year, this game is also called “Beto” or “Seguro”. Particularlypracticed in the district of Guarda, it should not be confused with another very common game, the “Beto de Serpins”, also represented at Tocatì. The two, have only one tool in common, the Beto (“stick”), which in both has the role of defending one’s playing area. In the case of the Bilharda, the primary objective remains to go as far as possible by throwing an- other smaller piece of wood and earning points.

Playing is a universal language! This game
is similar to: S-ciànco, Verona


Castel San Pietro
Castel San Pietro
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