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Astragali: a challenge in the sight of Jupiter

Archeonaute Onlus

Castel San Pietro
Sat 10:00-12:00 / 15:00-17:00
Sun 10:00-12:00 / 15:00-17:00
Castel San Pietro

With its oriental origins, already in vogue in ancient Greece, this pastime is reminiscent of the game of dice. Four knucklebones are thrown into the air by players to tempt fate and obtain the highest score. The knucklebone, a small animal bone that roughly corresponds to our heel, is used in the game either ‘as is’ or reproduced in terracotta, marble or other materials. For the game, the knucklebone is engraved with letters or figures that will determine the score obtained in the challenges up until the last throw!


Castel San Pietro
Castel San Pietro
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