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Comunità Ludica di Sant'Anna D'Alfaedo - Sant'Anna D'Alfaedo (VR), Veneto

Via Duomo
Sat 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Sun 10:00-12:30 / 15:00-18:30
Via Duomo

You indicate a number from one to five with your fingers and shout at the top of your voice to guess how many fingers the players are indicating. In Verona, when playing Morra, you will often hear a loud ‘cià’ being shouted. Don’t be fooled: it is not the famous italian greeting (ciao),
but the way of saying ‘six’ in the jargon of the game: a pastime with Egyptian origins, played by soldiers in the trenches and banned during the fascist era. At the Tocatì festival, the Veronese group from Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo will invite you to play in this way: “Fen du ponti?”.


Via Duomo
Via Duomo
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